11 TablePress
Etymology | Prefix | Prefix | Root | Root | "Main" Root | Root | Suffix or Word Ending |
Suffix or Word Ending |
Word |
Greek ourein Latin urine | ur ur/o urin |
Greek nephros, "kidney" | nephr nephr/o |
Greek mys, "muscle", "mouse" | my my/o my/s |
Greek kardia, "heart" | card card/i card/i/o |
Greek kytos, "hollow", "receptacle", "basket" | cyt cyt/o |
Greek gaster, "stomach", "paunch", "belly" | gastr gastr/o |
Latin lithus, "stone", "rock" | lith lith/o |
Greek neura, "nerve" | neur neur/o |
Greek derm, "skin", "hide", "leather" | derm derm/at derm/at/o derm/o |
Greek angeion, "case", "capsule", "vessel" | ang ang/i/o |
Greek arthron, "joint" | arthr arthr/o |
Greek sklēros, "hard" | scler scler/o |
Greek adēn, "gland" | aden aden/o |
Greek glykys, "sweet" | glyc glyc/o |
Greek osteon, "bone" | os os/t os/t/e osteo |
Greek haima, "blood" | hem hem/o hemat hemat/o |
Latin splen, "spleen" | splen splen/o |
Greek choler, "bile" (Greek khloazein means "green") | chol chol/e |
Greek tenon, "tendon", "sinew" | ten tend tendin tendon |
Greek thyreoeides, "shield-shaped" | thyroid thyroid/o |
Greek mastos, "woman's breast" | mast mast/o |
Greek orkhis, "orchid", "testicles" | orch orch/i orch/i/o orchid orchid/o |
Greek otos, "ear" | ot ot/o |
Latin vasa, "vessel" | vas vas/o |
this government website has a list of word parts | |||||||||
aden | ec | tomy | adenectomy | ||||||
aden | itis | adenitis | |||||||
aden | oma | adenoma | |||||||
aden | megaly | adenomegaly | |||||||
aden | pathy | adenopathy | |||||||
aden | osis | adenosis | |||||||
a | mast | ia | amastia | ||||||
my/o | trophic | amyotrophic | |||||||
ang/i/o | card | itis | angiocarditis | ||||||
ang/i/o | card | itis | angiocarditis | ||||||
ang/i/o | gram | angiogram | |||||||
ang/i/o | graphy | angiography | |||||||
ang/i/o | lith | angiolith | |||||||
ang/i | oma | angioma | |||||||
ang/i/o | plasty | angioplasty | |||||||
ang/i/o | poiesis | angiopoiesis | |||||||
ang/i/o | rrhaphy | angiorrhaphy | |||||||
ang/i/o | scler | osis | angiosclerosis | ||||||
ang/i/o | scope | angioscope | |||||||
an | orchid | ism | anorchidism | ||||||
anti | arthr | it[is] | ic | antiarthritic | |||||
an | ur | ia | anuria | ||||||
arter/i/o | scler | osis | arteriosclerosis | ||||||
arthr | algia | arthralgia | |||||||
arthr | ec | tomy | arthrectomy | ||||||
arthr | itis | arthritis | |||||||
arthr/o | cele | arthrocele | |||||||
arthr/o | centesis | arthrocentesis | |||||||
arthr/o | desis | arthrodesis | |||||||
arthr/o | dynia | arthrodynia | |||||||
arthr/o | gram | arthrogram | |||||||
arthr/o | graphy | arthrography | |||||||
arthr/o | lysis | arthrolysis | |||||||
arthr/o | pathy | arthropathy | |||||||
arthr/o | plasty | arthroplasty | |||||||
arthr/o | scopic | arthroscopic | |||||||
arthr/o | scopy | arthroscopy | |||||||
arthr/o | tomy | arthrotomy | |||||||
a | splen | ia | asplenia | ||||||
brady | card | ia | bradycardia | ||||||
card | ia | cardia | |||||||
card | iac | cardiac | |||||||
card/i/o | gram | cardiogram | |||||||
card/i/o | logist | cardiologist | |||||||
card/i/o | logy | cardiology | |||||||
card/i/o | megaly | cardiomegaly | |||||||
card/i/o | my/o | pathy | cardiomyopathy | ||||||
card/i/o | my/o | tomy | cardiomyotomy | ||||||
card/i/o | vascul | ar | cardiovascular | ||||||
card | itis | carditis | |||||||
cholangio | gastr/o | stomy | cholangiogastrostomy | ||||||
chol | ang/i/o | gram | cholangiogram | ||||||
chol | ang/i/o | graphy | cholangiography | ||||||
chol | ang/i/o | oma | cholangioma | ||||||
chol | ang | itis | cholangitis | ||||||
chol/e | cyst | algia | cholecystalgia | ||||||
chol/e | cyst | ec | tomy | cholecystectomy | |||||
chol/e | cyst | itis | cholecystitis | ||||||
chol/e | cyst/o | gram | cholecystogram | ||||||
chol/e | lith | cholelith | |||||||
chol/e | cholelithiasis | ||||||||
chol/e | lith/o | tomy | cholelithotomy | ||||||
Greek kystis, "bladder", "pouch" | cyst cyst/o |
cyst/o | |||||||
cyst | algia | cystalgia | |||||||
cyst | ec | tomy | cystectomy | ||||||
cyst | ic | cystic | |||||||
inflammation (–itis) of the bladder (–cyst) | cyst | itis | cystitis | ||||||
cyst/o | cele | cystocele | |||||||
cyst/o | dynia | cystodynia | |||||||
cyst/o | gram | cystogram | |||||||
cyst/o | graphy | cystography | |||||||
cyst/o | lith | cystolith | |||||||
cyst/o | lith | ec | tomy | cystolithectomy | |||||
cyst | oma | cystoma | |||||||
cyst/o | ptosis | cystoptosis | |||||||
cyst/o | rrhexis | cystorrhexis | |||||||
cyst/o | scopy | cystoscopy | |||||||
cyst/o | spasm | cystospasm | |||||||
cyst/o | stomy | cystostomy | |||||||
cyst/o | tomy | cystotomy | |||||||
the name ureter is from ancient Greece and means "the tube leading from the kidney to the bladder" | cyst/o | ureter | itis | cystoureteritis | |||||
cyst/o | urethr/o | cele | cystourethrocele | ||||||
cyst/o | urethr/o | gram | cystourethrogram | ||||||
derm/at | algia | dermatalgia | |||||||
derm/at | itis | dermatitis | |||||||
derm/at/o | dynia | dermatodynia | |||||||
derm/at/o | logy | dermatology | |||||||
derm/at/o | lysis | dermatolysis | |||||||
derm/at/o | scope | dermatoscope | |||||||
derm/at/o | scopy | dermatoscopy | |||||||
derm/at | osis | dermatosis | |||||||
derm | is | dermis | |||||||
derm | oid | dermoid | |||||||
derm/o | pathy | dermopathy | |||||||
derm/o | scopy | dermoscopy | |||||||
pertaining to (–esis) throughput (dia–) of urine (ur) | di[a] | ur | esis | diuresis | |||||
inducing or promoting urination | di[a] | ur | etic | diuretic | |||||
dys | ur | ia | dysuria | ||||||
endo | card | itis | endocarditis | ||||||
endo | card | ium | endocardium | ||||||
endo | my/s | ium | endomysium | ||||||
endo | neur | ium | endoneurium | ||||||
epi | card | ium | epicardium | ||||||
epi | derm | al | epidermal | ||||||
epi | derm | is | epidermis | ||||||
epi | ic | epigastric | |||||||
epi | my/s | ium | epimysium | ||||||
epi | neur | ium | epineurium | ||||||
algia | gastralgia | ||||||||
ec | tomy | gastrectomy | |||||||
gastr | ic | gastric | |||||||
itis | gastritis | ||||||||
gastr/o | dynia | gastrodynia | |||||||
gastr/o | malac | ia | gastromalacia | ||||||
gastr/o | pexy | gastropexy | |||||||
gastr/o | plasty | gastroplasty | |||||||
gastr/o | scope | gastroscope | |||||||
glyc | emia | glycemia | |||||||
glyc | emic | glycemic | |||||||
glyc/o | lysis | glycolysis | |||||||
glyc/o | penia | glycopenia | |||||||
glyc/o/s | ur | ia | glycosuria | ||||||
hem | arthr | osis | hemarthrosis | ||||||
hemato | logy | hematology | |||||||
hemat | oma | hematoma | |||||||
hemato | poiesis | hematopoiesis | |||||||
hem/at | ur | ia | hematuria | ||||||
hemi | nephr | ec | tomy | heminephrectomy | |||||
–ectomy (Greek) means "cutting out of" | hemi | nephr/o | ureter | ec | tomy | heminephroureterectomy | |||
hem/o | lysis | hemolysis | |||||||
hem/o | rrhage | hemorrhage | |||||||
hem/o | rrhagic | hemorrhagic | |||||||
hyper | glyc | emia | hyperglycemia | ||||||
hyper | mast | ia | hypermastia | ||||||
hyper | nephr | oma | hypernephroma | ||||||
hyper | splen | ism | hypersplenism | ||||||
hyper | thyroid | ism | hyperthyroidism | ||||||
hypo | derm | ic | hypodermic | ||||||
hypo | derm | is | hypodermis | ||||||
hypo | glyc | emia | hypoglycemia | ||||||
hypo | glyc | emic | hypoglycemic | ||||||
hypo | mast | ia | hypomastia | ||||||
hypo | thyroid | ism | hypothyroidism | ||||||
intra | derm | al | intradermal | ||||||
lith | ec | tomy | lithectomy | ||||||
lith | iasis | lithiasis | |||||||
lith/o | cyst/o | tomy | lithocystotomy | ||||||
lith/o | nephr | itis | lithonephritis | ||||||
lith/o | nephr/o | tomy | lithonephrotomy | ||||||
macro | cyt | osis | macrocytosis | ||||||
macro | mast | ia | macromastia | ||||||
macro | ot | ia | macrotia | ||||||
mast | algia | mastalgia | |||||||
mast | ec | tomy | mastectomy | ||||||
mast | itis | mastitis | |||||||
mast | oid | algia | mastoidalgia | ||||||
mast | oid | ectomy | mastoidectomy | ||||||
mast | oid | itis | mastoiditis | ||||||
mast | oid/o | centesis | mastoidocentesis | ||||||
mast/o | pexy | mastopexy | |||||||
middle, intermediate, halfway | meso | nephr | ic | mesonephric | |||||
micro | cyt | osis | microcytosis | ||||||
micro | mast | ia | micromastia | ||||||
micro | ot | ia | microtia | ||||||
my/o | card | ial | myocardial | ||||||
my/o | card | itis | myocarditis | ||||||
my/o | card | ium | myocardium | ||||||
my/o | cele | myocele | |||||||
my/o | des | is | myodesis | ||||||
my/o | dynia | myodynia | |||||||
my/o | graphy | myography | |||||||
my/o | lysis | myolysis | |||||||
my | oma | myoma | |||||||
my/o | malac | ia | myomalacia | ||||||
my | om[a] | ectomy | myomectomy | ||||||
my/o | metr | itis | myometritis | ||||||
my/o | metr | ium | myometrium | ||||||
my/o | pathy | myopathy | |||||||
my/o | plasty | myoplasty | |||||||
my/o | rrhaphy | myorrhaphy | |||||||
my/o | scler | osis | myosclerosis | ||||||
my/o/s | itis | myositis | |||||||
my/o | spasm | myospasm | |||||||
my/o | tomy | myotomy | |||||||
nephr | algia | nephralgia | |||||||
nephr | ec | tomy | nephrectomy | ||||||
nephr/o | cele | nephrocele | |||||||
nephr/o | gram | nephrogram | |||||||
nephr/o | graphy | nephrography | |||||||
nephr/o | hyper | trophy | nephrohypertrophy | ||||||
nephr/o | lith | iasis | nephrolithiasis | ||||||
nephr/o | lith/o | tomy | nephrolithotomy | ||||||
nephr/o | logist | nephrologist | |||||||
nephr/o | logy | nephrology | |||||||
nephr | oma | nephroma | |||||||
nephr/o | malac | ia | nephromalacia | ||||||
nephr/o | megaly | nephromegaly | |||||||
nephr | on | nephron | |||||||
nephr/o | pathy | nephropathy | |||||||
nephr/o | pexy | nephropexy | |||||||
nephr/o | ptosis | nephroptosis | |||||||
nephr/o | rrhaphy | nephrorrhaphy | |||||||
nephr/o | scler | osis | nephrosclerosis | ||||||
nephr/o | scopy | nephroscopy | |||||||
nephr | osis | nephrosis | |||||||
nephr/o | son/o | graphy | nephrosonography | ||||||
nephr/o | splen/o | pexy | nephrosplenopexy | ||||||
nephr/o | stomy | nephrostomy | |||||||
nephr/o | tomy | nephrotomy | |||||||
nephr/o | ureter | ec | tomy | nephroureterectomy | |||||
neur | algia | neuralgia | |||||||
neur | ec | tomy | neurectomy | ||||||
neur | itis | neuritis | |||||||
neur/o | arthr/o | pathy | neuroarthropathy | ||||||
neur/o | dynia | neurodynia | |||||||
neur/o | glyc/o | penia | neuroglycopenia | ||||||
neur/o | logist | neurologist | |||||||
neur/o | logy | neurology | |||||||
neur/o | lysis | neurolysis | |||||||
neur | oma | neuroma | |||||||
neur | on | neuron | |||||||
neur/o | pathy | neuropathy | |||||||
neur/o | plasty | neuroplasty | |||||||
neur/o | rrhaphy | neurorrhaphy | |||||||
neur/o | scler | osis | neurosclerosis | ||||||
neur | osis | neurosis | |||||||
neur/o | tomy | neurotomy | |||||||
oligo | cyt | [h]emia | oligocythemia | ||||||
olig[o] | ur | ia | oliguria | ||||||
orchid | algia | orchidalgia | |||||||
orchid | ec | tomy | orchidectomy | ||||||
orchid | itis | orchiditis | |||||||
orchid/o | pexy | orchidopexy | |||||||
orchid/o | tomy | orchidotomy | |||||||
orch/i | ec | tomy | orchiectomy | ||||||
orch/i/o | dynia | orchiodynia | |||||||
orch/i/o | pathy | orchiopathy | |||||||
orch/i/o | pexy | orchiopexy | |||||||
orch/i/o | plasty | orchioplasty | |||||||
orch | itis | orchitis | |||||||
os/t | algia | ostalgia | |||||||
os/t | ec | tomy | ostectomy | ||||||
os/t/e | itis | osteitis | |||||||
os/t/e/o | arthr | itis | osteoarthritis | ||||||
osteo | dynia | osteodynia | |||||||
osteo | lysis | osteolysis | |||||||
osteo | malac | ia | osteomalacia | ||||||
osteo | pathy | osteopathy | |||||||
osteo | penia | osteopenia | |||||||
osteo | plasty | osteoplasty | |||||||
os/t/e/o | scler | osis | osteosclerosis | ||||||
osteo | tomy | osteotomy | |||||||
ot | algia | otalgia | |||||||
ot | itis | otitis | |||||||
ot/o | dynia | otodynia | |||||||
ot/o | lith | otolith | |||||||
ot/o | neur/o | logist | otoneurologist | ||||||
ot/o | plasty | otoplasty | |||||||
ot/o | rrhea | otorrhea | |||||||
ot/o | scler | osis | otosclerosis | ||||||
ot/o | scope | otoscope | |||||||
ot | os/t/e | al | otosteal | ||||||
pan | cyt/o | penia | pancytopenia | ||||||
para | meso | nephr | ic | paramesonephric | |||||
Greek "beside, near" | para | urethr | al | paraurethral | |||||
peri | card | ial | pericardial | ||||||
peri | card/i/o | centesis | pericardiocentesis | ||||||
peri | card/i/o | tomy | pericardiotomy | ||||||
peri | card | itis | pericarditis | ||||||
peri | card | ium | pericardium | ||||||
peri | my/s | ium | perimysium | ||||||
peri | neur | ium | perineurium | ||||||
peri | ost | eum | periosteum | ||||||
poly | aden/o | pathy | polyadenopathy | ||||||
poly | cyst | ic | polycystic | ||||||
poly | cyt | [h]emia | polycythemia | ||||||
poly | my/o/s | itis | polymyositis | ||||||
poly | neur | itis | polyneuritis | ||||||
poly | neur/o | pathy | polyneuropathy | ||||||
poly | ur | ia | polyuria | ||||||
scler | a | sclera | |||||||
scler | itis | scleritis | |||||||
scler/o | derm/at | itis | sclerodermatitis | ||||||
scler/o | malac | ia | scleromalacia | ||||||
scler/o | tomy | sclerotomy | |||||||
splen | algia | splenalgia | |||||||
splen | ec | tomy | splenectomy | ||||||
splen | itis | splenitis | |||||||
splen/o | dynia | splenodynia | |||||||
splen/o | lysis | splenolysis | |||||||
splen/o | malac | ia | splenomalacia | ||||||
splen/o | megaly | splenomegaly | |||||||
splen/o | pathy | splenopathy | |||||||
splen/o | rrhexis | splenorrhexis | |||||||
tachy | card | ia | tachycardia | ||||||
ten | algia | tenalgia | |||||||
tend | ec | tomy | tendectomy | ||||||
tendin | itis | tendinitis | |||||||
tend/o | desis | tendodesis | |||||||
tend/o | lysis | tendolysis | |||||||
tend | on | tendon | |||||||
declawing a cat is a tendonectomy | tendon | ectomy | tendonectomy | ||||||
tendon | itis | tendonitis | |||||||
tend/o | plasty | tendoplasty | |||||||
ten/o | dynia | tenodynia | |||||||
ten/o | lysis | tenolysis | |||||||
ten/o | plasty | tenoplasty | |||||||
ten/o | rrhaphy | tenorrhaphy | |||||||
ten/o | tomy | tenotomy | |||||||
thyr/o | cele | thyrocele | |||||||
thyroid | ec | tomy | thyroidectomy | ||||||
thyroid | itis | thyroiditis | |||||||
thyroid/o | tomy | thyroidotomy | |||||||
thyr/o | megaly | thyromegaly | |||||||
trans | derm | al | transdermal | ||||||
trans | urethr | al | transurethral | ||||||
ur | [h]em | ia | uremia | ||||||
ureter | algia | ureteralgia | |||||||
ureter | ec | tomy | ureterectomy | ||||||
ureter | itis | ureteritis | |||||||
ureter/o | cele | ureterocele | |||||||
ureter/o | lith | iasis | ureterolithiasis | ||||||
ureter/o | nephr | ec | tomy | ureteronephrectomy | |||||
ureter/o | plasty | ureteroplasty | |||||||
ureter/o | rrhaphy | ureterorrhaphy | |||||||
ureter/o | scopy | ureteroscopy | |||||||
the word urethra, coined by Hippocrates, means "the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world" | urethr | a | urethra | ||||||
urethr | ec | tomy | urethrectomy | ||||||
urethr/o | plasty | urethreoplasty | |||||||
urethr | itis | urethritis | |||||||
urethr/o | cele | urethrocele | |||||||
urethr/o | cyst | itis | urethrocystitis | ||||||
urethr/o | dynia | urethrodynia | |||||||
urethr/o | gram | urethrogram | |||||||
urethr/o | pexy | urethropexy | |||||||
urethr/o | rrhea | urethrorrhea | |||||||
urethr/o | scope | urethroscope | |||||||
urethr/o | scopy | urethroscopy | |||||||
urethr/o | spasm | urethrospasm | |||||||
urethr/o | tomy | urethrotomy | |||||||
ur/i/n | ary | urinary | |||||||
ur/o | dynia | urodynia | |||||||
ur/o | logist | urologist | |||||||
ur/o | logy | urology | |||||||
ur/o | pathy | uropathy | |||||||
ur/o | poiesis | uropoiesis | |||||||
ur/o | stomy | urostomy | |||||||
vas/o | spasm | vasospasm | |||||||
vasectomy reversal | vas/o | vas/o | stomy | vasovasostomy |