7 video tests
What are the different ways we can add videos to Pressbooks?
Link to YouTube
For the above video, I merely pasted the url and it seems to have automatically created an embed.
YouTube’s Embed Code: Pressbooks Visual (Rich Text) Editor
<iframe width= »560″ height= »315″ src= »https://www.youtube.com/embed/OY7DxDydFN0?si=lbb0nS-nNBJId52M » title= »YouTube video player » frameborder= »0″ allow= »accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share » allowfullscreen></iframe>
For the above, I pasted the embed code in Pressbook’s regular rich text editor.
YouTube’s Embed Code: Pressbooks Text (Code) Editor
For the above, I switched to the Text view in the upper right corner of the text editing box, then pasted the embed code.
YouTube’s Embed Code: Control Size in Pressbooks Text Editor
For the above, I used the embed code and made the overall size quite small. It displays as small within the Visual editor, but the videos expands to the full text column in Preview mode.
Attaching the Video File
24MB is the maximum video upload size—which seems very small!
For instance, a two minute mp4 I recorded on my Mac is 115 MB.
Interactive Overlays with H5P (Video Hosted at YouTube)
For the above video, I created an interactive video in H5P. This uses a link to the video, which lives on YouTube, and allows you to add a variety of « check your understanding » interactions. There is a single multiple-choice pop-up quiz set to pause the video currently in this demonstration, and there are many other types of interactions possible as well.
Able Player
Does the above allow me to include Able Player videos and transcripts?